This morning between 11am and 4pm 5 NewPath volunteers helped Little Geeks provide some help to give away lots of excellent refurbished computers to people that need them.
Here are the volunteers that were at the rebootCanada/Little Geeks headquarters came out and provided some support to help out the cause -
Joy Corion
Leslie Hetherington,
Director, Communications,
Pet Valu
Kevin MacKenzie,
A.J. Parl,
Chief Computer Geek,
ATM Consulting
Ushnish Sengupta
We had a short conversation about the need for high speed Internet along with the very capable P4 machines and monitors that were being donated. The coordinators of Little Geeks said that asking the big guys (Rogers, Telus and Bell) for free Internet accounts is a bit too much in our constrained economy. That's understandable, but there has to be an upstart or two out there that is willing to provide high speed for free for at least one year. Or at a really great non-profit cost. We think that not having a high quality high speed connection will limit the usefulness of the machines. does provide a free dial-up account and that is a huge help for folks that have never been on the Internet before. They will most likely get savvy and want high speed pretty soon after that. Surely there has to be some alternatives out there for a high-speed Little Geeks package.
So here's a challenge:
There should be plenty of independent Internet Service Providers (usually that support net-neutrality) that would be keen to work with Little Geeks as a marketing channel, right? Let's call on our networks and connect Little Geeks with
the right people to get 100 very low cost or free high speed Internet access accounts in Toronto. Let me know if you think you can help.