For the last few months I have noticed a very large increase of spam being delivered to my Gmail inbox. Has anyone else seen this uptick in unfiltered spam activity? Google gloated about their performance a scant 2 years ago, but things seem to have degraded in an ugly fashion recently.
These spam messages are all delivered directly to my gmail account (which I rarely publish because I have a forward set up for my newpathconsulting domain to go to my gmail account). I am suspicious because if spam is being sent directly to my gmail account without going through the forwarded email accounts, then one of 3 things are happening (or maybe all 3):
1. Spammers are getting a good list of Gmail addresses from somewhere (this discussion thread suggests that spammers are using Google services to spam other Google users -- here's a link to a search on Google for the past week's discussion on broken Gmail spam filters) or
2. Gmail is selling/sharing/leaking my Gmail email address somewhere
3. Gmail users are not reporting spam as much as they used to!
(more spam filter issues)
On May 27 2009 I got no less than 12 spams between 6 and 8:30 in the morning. I will continue to get them throughout the day and most likely end up with 20-30 spam emails in my inbox. I just got one as I was composing this post.
Anyone else having this problem?