Where else can you go to a free networking meeting and meet such great people? We had 19 reservations at last night's NewPath event and the following people showed up and had a terrific time networking and getting to know each other at a level that most other networking event don't even come close to. I think all of our guests will agree -- you had a great time didn't you? And it was free. Best deal in town.
Here are the folks who came out -- feel free to comment and add your own details in the comments below!
- Dmitry Brusilovsky, SRED Unlimited
Website: http://www.sredunlimited.com
- Jacob Grobman, President, JRG International Inc.
Website: www.jrg.bridgeoma.com
- Peter Kozar
- Allenna Leonard
- Emmanuel Lopez - Motivatorman, Motivational Specialist
Website: http://www.motivatorman.com
Blog: http://www.motivatorman.blogspot.com
- Kathleen McBride, Graphic/Web Designer, Cranberryink
Website: http://www.cranberryink.com
- Kevin McIntosh, CNO, NewPath network
Website: http://www.newpathnetwork.org
Blog: http://blog.newpathnetwork.org
- David McWhirter, Web Developer/System Admin, Cranberryink
Website: http://www.cranberryink.com
- Aileen Mens, Business Development Consultant,, Sandler Training
Website: http://www.mtd.sandler.com
- John Miers, author of "Hit me again!... I can still hear him.", expert in spoken communications
Website: http://www.hitmeagain.com.hk/
Martin Obern Obern, Martin Obern Marketing
- Website: http://martinobernmarketing.com
- Yvette Shier, Special Event Planner, Yvette Shier Consulting
Website: http://www.yvetteshier.com
- Alex Sirota, Founder, NewPath Network
Website: http://www.newpathnetwork.org
Blog: http://blog.newpathnetwork.org
- Carole St. Laurent, Web/Multimedia Consultant, fluidIT solutions
Website: http://www.fluidITsolutions.com
- Quentin Stossel, Project Coordinator, Toronto Zoo
Website: http://www.torontozoo.ca/conservation